

The Yeshiva movie follows a day in the life of a 19th century yeshiva student. Watch the excerpt part of the movie, or, for the whole please see the exhibition's huge wall projection.

The movie is created with using a unique technique to preserve a 19th century painting style. The actors are wearing clothes from the period and are prepared to match the painted style of the background, which is hand painted and finally composed in postproduction. The outcome of it is a visual experience of 19th century painting, which is, at the same time, a moving image.

Experience prewar Jewish Warsaw by hearing our hero’s story. The script's idea is a topographic walk through famous places using archival materials from the period. The movie was a part of the Warszawa-Warsze temporary exhibition.

Another movie being a part of the Warszawa-Warsze temporary exhibit. This time about Jewish Warsaw districts between 16th and 19th century.

Examples of 2D animation within archival footage material.